
Monday, December 9, 2019

AG Horse game

i was learning to make my Owen horse game. i found putting my owen sprite in was easy. i found hard doing my owen code. it was fun moving my sprite.

What i am grateful for this year

What i am grateful for this year. This year I am grateful to my mum and dad and my techer Mrs hannah.

Thank you Mum for inviting my friends over and going to work.

 Thank you dad for paying for me to go to judo and also going to work.

Thank you Mrs Hannah for teching me scince and enviro school.

 At school I really enjoyed swimming and athalictics because it was hot and it is summer time now. 

At home I love spending time with my puppy Queen. Thank you Mrs Mill for helping me with my reading. Thank you Mr Swwan for teching in my class.